Ferr-Tech made an appearance on RTV Drenthe

RTV Drenthe Ferr Tech appearance on TV

Ferr-Tech made an appearance on RTV Drenthe, a local television station. We talked about the WIS Award, the reasons why we won and how we have experienced the days following the award ceremony. We also demonstrated the power of FerSol®. Faezeh Alibabaei, our Laboratory Analyst, showed how we use FerSol® to clean wastewater. 

Check this link to rewatch the episode. Please note that the television program is in Dutch.

Judith holding WIS Sward RTV Drenthe
Faezeh cleaning wastewater with FerSol on RTV Drenthe

Ferr-tech is uitgeroepen tot het meest innovatieve bedrijf van NL!

Ferr-tech uitgeroepen tot meest innovatieve bedrijf van NL!


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